BSA Troop 429 is two troops in one. A boy troop and a girl troop are “linked” together, and both share the name of Troop 429. The below chart helps to illustrate this structure.
The Chartered Organization provides the BSA Troop as a service to the community. There is a shared adult committee that helps support the troop behind the scenes. Their duties include tracking finances, tracking achievements, coordinating transportation, and more. In addition to the Charter Org and Committee, both troops share equipment and facilities.
From here, the Boy Troop and Girl Troop are split into two separate entities. Each troop has their own adult Scoutmaster whose role is to guide the scouts to run their own troop. BSA Scouting is a youth-led and youth-run organization. Within each troop, the scouts elect their own members to serve in a number of positions such as Patrol Leader, Scribe, and Quartermaster.